Canada Company held its 6th Annual Golf Tournament on Monday June 9, 2014 with 140 lucky golfers in attendance. Returning once again to Devil’s Pulpit in Caledon, Ontario, where players started the day with a hearty breakfast cooked up by Canadian Armed Forces personnel in mess kitchens in CAF trucks and then enjoyed in a temporary mess. After breakfast, players were directed to look up to the sky and were able to see Skyhawks drifting down to the practice green. Then in traditional fashion, the “shotgun start” marked the beginning of play.
The day finished with a “grenade toss”, giving players a chance to win prizes by tossing their grenade closest to the target. A special thanks to Canada Company member Gerard Buckley for donating his prize of a huge flat screen TV back to be auctioned off for additional fundraising.
Congratulations to Team Jaguar Capital and thanks for another great tournament hosted by AMJ Campbell!
See photos at this link to our Facebook album.