Home / News / Chaplains’ Benevolent Fund gets boost
02 December 2013
Comox, British Columbia
Honorary Colonel Donald Hewson, (left) 19 Wing Comox Honorary Colonel, presents , Major Matthew Lucas, Wing Administration Chaplain with a cheque for Canada Company in the amount of 10,000 dollars in 19 Wing head quarters building 02 December 2013.
Canada Company began in May 2006 with a pledge to stand shoulder to shoulder with our troops for the sacrifices they make every day. Since then the organization has grown to over 500 members and has become an influential voice advocating for our troops at home and abroad.
Photo by Private Dan Moore
19 Wing Imaging
© 2013, DND-MDN Canada
Following on the success of the Christmas Service of Lessons and Carols at the All Angels Chapel on December 1, the Chaplains’ Benevolent Fund received a major boost from Canada Company. A cheque for $10,000 was presented by 19 Wing Honorary Colonel Donald Hewson on December 2, 2013 to the Benevolent Fund, which supports military families during emergencies or crises. In addition to the Canada Company donation, $1311 was raised by over 150 attendees of the service. Since then, HCol Hewson raised a further $1500.
The chaplains at 19 Wing actively raise money for the Fund throughout the year, but this donation represents a substantial jump in their abilities to provide emergency support to local military families throughout the year.
Home / News / Chaplains’ Benevolent Fund gets boost